Sunday, August 9, 2009

Cutting energy tax credit would cost jobs, hurt communities -

Cutting energy tax credit would cost jobs, hurt communities - "Oregonians are hurting. Unemployment is the third highest in the country, behind only Michigan and Rhode Island. Foreclosures are increasing and home values are falling. Many aren't sure how they will make ends meet in the coming months.

And now a bill on the Governor's desk could put thousands of potential jobs at risk, jeopardize a critical source of income for rural landowners, and reduce tax payments when local budgets are already shrinking.

In June, the Legislature voted to make major reductions to the Business Energy Tax Credit (BETC). The BETC, coupled with Oregon's Renewable Energy Standard, has been an incredibly effective tool to spur renewable energy project development. Over the past couple of years, Oregon has seen a dramatic increase in renewable energy projects and manufacturing, including wind, biomass, geothermal, solar, and energy efficiency, including combined heat and power."

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