Saturday, April 27, 2013

More U.S. Oil Probably Won’t Destroy the Climate - Bloomberg

More U.S. Oil Probably Won’t Destroy the Climate - Bloomberg: "No corner of the Earth was being spared by these and other looming dangers, and yet people continue to use energy largely as if nothing is amiss."

capital E, yes!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Merriam-Webster Online

Merriam-Webster Online: "WEBSTER WON SOME: ...AND LOST SOME:
gaol jail ache ake
mould mold soup soop
travelled traveled sleigh sley
honour honor sponge spunge
centre center tongue tung
humour humor cloak cloke
masque mask determine determin
publick public women wimmen"

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Driving’s Long Decline in Oregon |

Driving’s Long Decline in Oregon | "Call it peak driving, or the end of an era: Americans are driving less.

For 10 years now, Oregon motorists have been driving less. No one is quite sure why. The slump that began before the recession has continued into the period of economic and job growth, and no one seems to know exactly what’s causing it.

It may not surprise you that the state of Oregon was a bit precocious in this arena. Residents of the Beaver State changed their driving behavior before the rest of the nation and don’t seem poised to return to their old ways anytime soon"

Cellphones' 40th birthday: Skeptics made fun of first mobile phone.

Cellphones' 40th birthday: Skeptics made fun of first mobile phone.:

The Patent Protection Racket - Joel on Software

The Patent Protection Racket - Joel on Software: "The fastest growing industry in the US right now, even during this time of slow economic growth, is probably the patent troll protection racket industry. Lawsuits surrounding software patents have more than tripled since 1999.

It’s a great business model.

Step one: buy a software patent. There are millions of them, and they’re all quite vague and impossible to understand."