Friday, December 21, 2012

EV Fast Charging, whether standardized or not - Green Transportation

EV Fast Charging, whether standardized or not - Green Transportation: "As of this writing (early 2012) there is one fast charging standard in wide-spread use, CHAdeMO. This was developed in Japan and is available on electric cars from Nissan, Mitsubishi, and a couple other companies. Other car companies have ignored this standard, and in fact the SAE is moving strongly towards a different fast charging standard. It's a mess. "

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Portland’s prescription for cycling - Opinion - The Boston Globe

Portland’s prescription for cycling - Opinion - The Boston Globe: "Portland is America’s top large city for cycling, with 6.3 percent of all commutes being made by bike. No other city has yet cracked 4 percent and Boston is at 1.7 percent, according to 2011 data analyzed by the League of American Bicyclists."