Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Coulomb’s Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Are Live in San Jose « Earth2Tech

Coulomb’s Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Are Live in San Jose « Earth2Tech: "Like another electric vehicle infrastructure company Better Place, Coulomb plans to offer subscription plans. That includes a limited-time “Basic Access” subscription offer, which the company says includes free charging through 2009.

coulombcharging1smallSubscribers pay a one time $10 account setup fee and receive a charging card, which enables them to access any station. Then there’s options for varying monthly plans including: $15 per month for 10 night time charging sessions, $30 per month for unlimited night time charging sessions, $20 per month for “grid-friendly” charging sessions (we’re assuming that’s off-peak when the utility says it’s OK), $40 per month for unlimited “grid-friendly” charging sessions, $25 per month for 10 anytime sessions, and $50 per month for unlimited charging at anytime.

Fifty dollars per month ($600 per year) might sound like a lot for anytime unlimited access, but think how much you pay in gas per month and per year. But realistically, at this point, the only people who are going to sign up for a service with such limited access are EV owners that just want test out the novel technology."

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