Monday, September 29, 2008

Yale Environment 360: Revenge of the Electric Car

Yale Environment 360: Revenge of the Electric Car: "To get oil, you have to drill thousands of feet below the surface of the earth – often in a hostile nation – pump it up, refine it, ship it (via pipeline or tanker), then store it until somebody comes along with a thirsty SUV. All in all, an expensive and rigid system. Electrons, on the other hand, come from many places: wind turbines, solar panels, hydroelectric dams, nukes and even burning coal. This simple fact upends everything. With electric cars, we’re not dependent on sheiks in the Middle East. We’re dependent on our own ingenuity."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but replacing gas powered cars with electrics doesn't really solve much. You still have half the fleet plus all those lawn mowers,boats, planes, trains,commercial trucks, etc.
In fact, we would still need to import oil (unless we drill and use our own oil. Gee, what a concept, not pay others for what we already own). Only half our crude is used for private transportation vehicles. Your argument is way wrong.