Saturday, September 27, 2008

Watch out for Hornet-man: Conquering the fear of bike commuting in the nation's bike capital - PDX Green - A blog about sustainable living - The Oregonian

Watch out for Hornet-man: Conquering the fear of bike commuting in the nation's bike capital - PDX Green - A blog about sustainable living - The Oregonian: "For years, I was scared to bike to work. In Portland, of all places.

I was afraid I'd get flattened, out there on my rinky-dink bike amid the beefy Yukons and boxy Westfalia vans that roam the region. These are not unusual fears. Even in the nation's bike-happiest city, fewer than five percent of Portland workers pedal to the office, according to U.S. Census estimates. Some of the rest might consider the option if persuaded they'd get home in one piece.

I wasn't persuaded. But I tried it anyway. Three months later, I'm alive to report: The fear is gone"

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