Friday, October 23, 2009

When Conservative Values Achieve Liberal Green Goals : TreeHugger

When Conservative Values Achieve Liberal Green Goals : TreeHugger: "Two states have emerged as leaders in renewable energy, a recent piece in the New York Times notes--California and Texas. Historically, they're politically as different as night and day; one is dark blue, the other deeply red. But while California's liberal voter base has allowed it to pass aggressive energy efficiency laws and renewable energy standards, Texas is poised to leave California in the dust when it comes to renewable power. The state's secret weapon? It just might be its deep seated conservative values.

As Green Inc explains, 'Texans despise regulations, an attitude that has helped wind farms to flourish; California, by contrast, requires hefty environmental assessments for large projects.' You may recall that some major projects have been held up or aborted in California due to wildlife concerns or national park considerations--so while rooftop solar has grown exponentially, large renewable plants are stalled by regulations and bureaucracy. That's not the case in Texas."

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