Monday, June 22, 2009

Tesla Motors - Tesla Leadership

Tesla Motors - Tesla Leadership: "With the recent lawsuit filed by Martin Eberhard, which seeks to perpetuate a version of Tesla’s history that is at odds with the truth, I felt it was important to set the record straight. This post is not a complete response to the allegations in the lawsuit (we will be responding fully in court soon), but rather an effort to correct several misconceptions propagated by Eberhard that are now being reported as truth.

I’ve included several relevant emails as source documents to show that this is more than just my subjective opinion versus Eberhard’s. As you will see, the evidence overwhelmingly supports a different account of the past than the one presented in his lawsuit.

At the heart of his attack, Eberhard plays to a common archetype – that of the noble inventor whose invention is usurped by the rich and powerful businessman. He has labored hard to create this impression and there is an intuitive appeal to it, as there is with any archetype, but in this case it is false."

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