Monday, February 2, 2009

Zero Point Energy (ZPE)

Zero Point Energy (ZPE): "Zero Point Energy (ZPE)
A cost-effective, abundant, renewable, never before commercialized, energy resource is on the near-term horizon.
Mark Goldes

The March 1, 2004 issue of Aviation Week and Space Technology featured an article headlined 'Aerospace Giants Eye Zero Point Energy'. The piece went on to say aerospace applications of ZPE being explored by BAE Systems and a large domestic aerospace company supported by the Department of Defense: 'might enable Mach 4 fighters, quiet 1,200 seat hypersonic airliners that fly at 100 mile altitudes as far as 12,000 miles in about 70 minutes, and 12.6 hour trips to the moon.'

Discovery consists in seeing what everybody else has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.

Albert Szent-Gyorgyi - awarded the Nobel Prize for the discovery of Vitamin C

While these future applications all now seem possible, our much more pressing problems involve freedom from the need to import oil, as well as the rapid reduction in the use of fossil fuels. Since most well-qualified scientists believe they threaten dangerous climate change.

Seemingly empty space, known to physicists as the quantum vacuum, is chock full of energy. The density of this energy per unit of volume is “comparable to (that) of nuclear energy - or even greater. Consequently, its potential as an energy source is absolutely enormo"

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