Sunday, June 17, 2012

Bookworm Room » Can someone explain electric cars to me? *UPDATED*

Bookworm Room » Can someone explain electric cars to me? *UPDATED*:

"I like this analogy of meat to electric cars. Here is how I see it: 
You are free to eat meat or not (assuming you can afford it)
You are free to drive an EV or not (assuming you can afford one) 
You are free to consider the source of the meat (local, free-range, grass feed, kosher) or just buy the cheapest.
You are free to consider the source of the electricity (wind, solar, geothermal,…) or just buy the cheapest.
Maybe we have very justifiable reasons for our decisions, or maybe we just make them because we feel like it. Either way they are our own to make and there is no need to justify them to anyone.   
“With that in mind, can someone explain to me cars that are entirely electric, … need to be plugged into an outlet, in exactly the same way as that energy sucking computer or electric dryer.”
Since you asked, as pointed out above electricity does not come from magic pixie dust and neither does gasoline. Both of these have sources that you are free to consider or not. Choice is a great thing. Do you attack people for using “energy sucking computers or electric dryers”, of course not; so why not allow them to use it for anything they want? Assuming they pay for it, I don’t see why it would upset anyone."

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