Sunday, July 13, 2008

John McCain has something to learn about the electric car's history

John McCain has something to learn about the electric car's history:

"in March 1920, Steinmetz wrote: 'In general, in comparing the electric with the gasolene (sic) car, the advantages of the electric car are: 1) Very low cost of maintenance and repair; 2) Reliability and simplicity of operation and with the current gasoline prices, usually; 3) Lower cost of operation.

'The disadvantages of the electric car are: 1) Depending on a charging station or charging outfit; 2) Limited mileage of operation with a single charge and usually also; 3) Lower speed.'"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You can buy an affordable NEV-2008 for $15,995 this year. All electric (equivalent cost of $0.20-$0.25 cents/gallon depending on electrcity cost in your area).

There's finally a car for the American consumer that can travel up to 80-100 miles per charge.

Did you know that 80% of all Americans drive less than 50 miles per day?