Sunday, August 31, 2008
The Green Agenda to Wagner - Flight of the Bumble bee | Air Cargo Blog
about 100 million worldwide, destroy the industrial infrastructure
and see wilderness, with it’s full complement of species,
returning throughout the world.”
-Dave Foreman,
co-founder of Earth First!"
Greentech Media | Toyota's Reinert Talks 'Death Watch' on Three Electric Cars
FLABEG to Open Its First Solar Mirror Plant in the US | Green Energy News
"The new 209,000-square-foot manufacturing facility will be built in the Clinton Commerce Park near Pittsburgh International Airport. Flabeg Solar US expects to generate as many as 300 jobs."
Thin-film gets fat on cash | Cleantech Group
Funds flowed into solar this week, but not just any solar — the spotlight was on thin-film, with San Jose, Calif.-based Nanosolar and Fort Collins, Colo.'s AVA Solar both grabbing healthy amounts of cash."
Friday, August 29, 2008
Going veggie can slash your carbon footprint, study says
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Home of the 1939 Studebaker S-10 Conversion
Going All-Electric

Nanosolar Blog
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
EVWORLD FEATURE: Shysters and Vapourware: Battery | EEStor | cityZENN
Monday, August 25, 2008
Tesla reveals plans for city car and coupe - Latest Car News from 4Car
This car is planned with a price tag of less than £20,000 and an annual production as high as 200,000 vehicles - a very different business model to Tesla's only model on the market so far, the £92,000 super-quick Roadster."
Tesla Roadster news - Tesla: lots more to come - 2008 - News - Top Gear
However, with Furai designer Franz von Holzhausen recently signed up, we'd imagine Tesla will be keeping him busy.
This electric future might not be all bad, y'know..."
battery gravimetric energy density
Table 1: Comparative Energy Densities for Battery Chemistries
Volumetric | Gravimmetric | |
LMP Li-Ion | 250 | 120 |
NiMH | 170 | 70 |
VRLA | 64 | 27 |
NiCd | 75 | 50 |
Discharge profiles for LMP show a flat voltage plateau regardless of rate or temperature. Unlike PbA, LMP will deliver nearly all of its capacity at relatively high discharge rates. Discharge profiles for an energy optimized LMP cell (IFR18650) are shown in Figure 1. The flat operating voltage profile is clearly evident, as is the excellent capacity retention at rate. For example, greater than 90% of the cell's capacity can be delivered at a 2C (1/2 hour) rate.
Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney talks to Grist
" 'Right now we've got two energy policies in this country,' McKinney told Grist. 'One is war, the other is drilling. And neither one of them works.' "
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Vampires and Nannies |
"Electric Garlic :: There are a few ways to reduce standby power consumption from these vampires -- electric garlic if you will -- but one is by far the best: just unplug the thing when it's not actually doing its thing. That's tedious, but many people simplify the chore by using a powerstrip to turn off several at once. You can also use something like the standby plug"
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Electric Vehicle Passion: M&M is working on electric car bigger than Reva
Driven: Shai Agassi's Audacious Plan to Put Electric Cars on the Road
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
The Mint makes a green pitch for the coin that never caught on - PDX Green - A blog about sustainable living - The Oregonian -
'With the $1 Presidential Coin, every man, woman and child will make a personal statement about the money they spend. The coin is 100 percent recyclable and lasts for decades, offering consumers -- and Mother Earth -- tangible benefits that are especially relevant today,' said a news release"
Water Car Test - HHO Shows Why You Can't Run Cars on Water - Popular Mechanics
US Oil Exports Hit Record Pace. That's Right, Exports |
Pollution from ships causing thousands of deaths | Environment |
Coal's toxic legacy to the Arctic
YouTube - Tesla Roadster Owner Steps on It
Nanoantenna Solar Power ‘Skins’ Could One Day Provide Both Power and Cooling : TreeHugger
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Vu1 Corporation - Light without compromise™
for safe, sustainable, energy efficient lighting." ESL
Diane Rehm Show - Electric cars - A123 / Plug In / Tesla motors interview
"This morning's Diane Rehm show featured a discussion on hybrid and electric vehicles:
Windows Media Player:
The Diane Rehm Show
Real Audio:
Electric Cars
High gas prices and concerns about emissions have many drivers searching for alternatives – including vehicles powered by electricity. A look at new developments in the effort to mass produce affordable, safe, and easy to charge electric cars
Les Goldman, attorney in private practice representing A123
Chelsea Sexton, co-founder, Plug In America
John O'Dell, senior editor, Green Car Advisor
Elon Musk, founder and chair, Tesla Motors"
Monday, August 18, 2008
Paul Scott at EVASC on multiple deaths of the electric car - Brightcove
Who Killed the Electric Car?
YouTube - Volt production photos revealed
Volt drag aerodynamics, jab at Sparrow
Sunday, August 17, 2008
State 'zaps' electric tricycle's registration
"'The ZAP is neither fish nor fowl,' he said.
Although the state law defining a motorcycle does not mention handlebars, the State Police Inspection Manual does, and the vehicle won't pass a state inspection under current regulations, Hinkley said."
"Japan has invested in a series of melody roads that sing out a tune as you drive over them, as part of a new tourist attraction."
YouTube - Dude, Where's My Electric Car?
"One's too slow, one's too expensive, one's got a plug. What's a girl to do?"
GET IT TOGETHER! | | Star-News | Wilmington, NC
"Published: Thursday, August 14, 2008 at 5:59 p.m.
Last Modified: Thursday, August 14, 2008 at 5:59 p.m.
It is quite apparent that our present administration could care less about the environment and the future of our children and grandchildren! Their only concern is how many billions they can make before our whole economy collapses! The only things standing between Washington & oil rigs off our pristine coasts & throughout our wildlife preserves are groups like Union of Concerned Scientists & Environmental Defense Fund.
Politicians in Washington can’t agree on a single energy policy that includes wind & solar as a major source of clean, renewable energy! They can’t even agree on tax credits to bolster up these emerging industries! Germany (a fraction of our size with a fraction of the sunlight) has far outstripped us in solar installations because they instituted tax credits for 7 years instead of just 2! There are billions of dollars waiting to be put into this industry to create thousands of jobs our economy desperately needs!
Most Americans don’t realize that oil & gas industries are heavily supported by tax credits, which we pay for & they don’t want wind & solar to get any support.
Amory Lovins, of the Rocky Mountain Institute ( in an NPR interview said that we have all the technology we need to be completely off oil! Al Gore ( is not the only well known person who believes we can get off oil! Washington needs to get out of bed with the petroleum industry & put it’s citizens first for a change.
Nathan Bales"
A big surprise on gas - Los Angeles Times
Inhabitat » GEOS: The First Fossil Fuel Free Community in The USA!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Americans cut driving by 4.7 percent in June, DOT says
Drive to the future
"The global race to fuel the car of the future is on and worth joining in."
"Axis of Oil"
Will San Francisco Be a "Testing Ground" for a Repowered America? |
"'We choose to go...not because it is easy, but because it is hard, because that goal will serve to measure and organize the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win.'
-John Kennedy"
EEStor Joining Other Energy Storage Startups on the Grid « Earth2Tech - Recharging the Electric Car
Environment Blog Posts powered by BlogBurst |
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Fosh Automotive - Unlimited range electric cars.
Electric car pioneer looks to Portland for N. American toehold
"eye to test-marketing its electric vehicles in Portland"
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
A123 Systems files for initial public offering - AutoblogGreen
'global weirding'
wiki-research: home gardens are on the forefront of global climate destabilization. BudBurst is a citizen science program modeled after the Audubon Christmas bird count, a volunteer effort that has provided ornithologists with a century's worth of data.
Cost of Nuclear Energy Rising Out of Reach |
U.S. geothermal lease sale raises record $28.2 mln | Environment | Reuters
"The U.S. Interior Department said Friday it raised a record $28.2 million this week from leasing federal lands to companies for developing geothermal energy resources."
Sunday, August 10, 2008
The Iconoclasts of Algae Solazyme
Video: The Godfather of the Plug-In Andrew Frank
Andrew Frank, a UC Davis professor of electrical engineering, championed plug-ins for years. Now he’s starting a company to commercialize his ideas."
A PHEV - EV Demand Curve | Alternative Energy Stocks
How much would you pay for the range extension that PHEVs give you?
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Amory Lovins – Worth Knowing
Predictions on oil pricing -
"I see a period of two or three years with relatively lower prices, in the high $90s. But we don’t know what the response will be on the conventional side, going out three or four or five years. And certainly with the power requirements of the world, something really needs to be done to improve overall efficiency in a dramatic way across all energy uses, and something needs to be done to encourage, in the marketplace, the use of as many renewables as possible. One of the dangers of lower prices is that it will again lull governments and consumers into thinking that there is no problem at hand, and that would be in my judgment a false sign of hope."
Friday, August 8, 2008
Electric Cars Spark Bright Future - Video
U.S. Windpower: Now the Bad News |
Automotive Examiner - Plug-in hybrid cars - slowly charging ahead -
New Algae Biofuel from Sapphire Energy "Chemically Identical to Gasoline" : TreeHugger
"Sapphire Energy , claims it has succeeded in refining a high-octane gasoline from algae that is chemically identical to crude oil. According to Sapphire Energy, “The resulting gasoline is completely compatible with current infrastructure, meaning absolutely no change to consumer’s cars.”"
How Science Works |
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Solaris: 24V Cordless Electric Self-Propelled Mower
"Solaris is THE no compromise mower solution... Cordless and self-propelled, this revolutionary mower has all the power of a high-end gas mower"
How Coal Is Not Cheap and Why It Never Will Be Again |
"Touting US coal as cheap and abundant is a favorite pastime of fans of coal expansion.
Want proof that it’s not true? Just look at this shocking new data from the Energy Information Administration on the costs of Appalachian coal"
Monday, August 4, 2008
Battery State of Charge Determination
Coal Juice: High Energy Prices Prompt First U.S. Coal-to-Liquids Plant
Tesla working on third, sub-$30,000 car
"When you increase the production quantity by a factor of 10, you can reduce the price by a factor of two. In the early 20th century, cars were initially something for wealthy people. It took quite some time for the cost to be optimized and become accessible to a broader population. It’s the same thing here—we’ll see the traditional technology learning curve,” said Musk."
Automakers: EV in Mirror May be Closer than it Appears | Alternative Energy Stocks
"Is the road ahead clear for the triumph of the PHEV? I doubt it. I do expect many PHEVs to be built sold, but I think they are likely to be a gateway drug to real efficiency: the pure Electric Vehicle (EV.)"
Fans of L.E.D.’s Say This Bulb’s Time Has Come -
"Sentry spent $12,000 more than the $6,000 needed to light the facility with a mixture of incandescent and fluorescent bulbs. But using L.E.D.’s, the company is saving $7,000 a year in energy costs, will not need to change a bulb for 20 years and will recoup its additional investment in less than two years.
“I’d do it again,” Mr. Farrell said. “It was a no-brainer.”"
Greentech Media | SolarCity Joins Race for SF Customers
Sunday, August 3, 2008
EQS: Profile for Equus Total Return, Inc. - Yahoo! Finance
Only The Fools Dye (Their) Young: UK Considers Banning Food Colorants As ADHD Cause : TreeHugger
There's a pattern here. European Union nations phase out the more hazardous of the pthalate plasticizers: USA lobbies against it and resists it in the US. Europe tests animals for Mad Cow disease: USA makes it illegal to test them. Europe takes climate action: USA resists. There are plenty more where these come from. You get the idea: when it comes to protecting children from dye marketed mainly to children, Europe leads.
Now, synthetic dyes are getting a second run. New research indicates the chemicals can disrupt some children's behavior, and activists and consumer groups are asking for bans or limits on the dyes. A prestigious British medical journal recommended that doctors use dye-free diets as a first-line treatment for some behavior disorders; British regulators are pressuring companies to stop using the dyes, and some are complying.
The issue has generated much less attention on this side of the Atlantic. The FDA says the dyes are safe, and has no plans to limit their use.
We know FDA won't act. Administratively Disordered Hypoactive Dysfunction (ADHD) has taken over.
Sounds like a foolish wish, but maybe Wal-Mart will take the lead. These days corporate mavericks can show more common sense"
Is Your Lifestyle Affecting Your Future Child’s DNA? : TreeHugger
15 companies that will change the world - Cree (14) - Business 2.0
"Cree -
Sure, compact fluorescent lightbulbs are energy savers, but they also contain mercury. Cree is the leading maker of light-emitting diodes, which are less hazardous and even more energy-efficient. Toronto and Raleigh, N.C., are already installing Cree LEDs in streetlamps and parking garages."